Talk: Purpose of Life

This has been a question we got ask since we were a child, what do you want to do in a future? Or who do you look up to? The answers change every once in a while because we’re still growing up and most of us still finding ourselves on who we wanted to be or where do you see yourself in the next 20 years? These are what most people nowadays called ‘Life Goals’

When I was young I really want to be a police and I honestly believe that I would look so cool wearing a uniform. Then, I changed my mind again I suddenly wanted to be a singer, which I’m not very good at, but I give it a try anyway. So somebody may realize what they want to do in life when they were very young, some people might not realize that until they get old. Each person was born to do something in life, everybody has a purpose to be here living in this world.

For me the success was not determine by how much money you make or having such a successful career. It’s more about being happy with a great family/people around you and that’s when you know that you’ve lived such a meaningful life. For me meaningful life is when you realize that you mean something for others or that you make other people happy by your existence.

The Fault In Our Stars (2014)

Like from the novel,  ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ that says, “She didn’t want a million admirers, she just wanted one. And she got it. Maybe she wasn’t loved widely, but she was loved deeply.” This quote captures the essence of life perfectly. We don’t have to be famous or we don’t have to receive love from everybody to be happy, only if we appreciate the love we have, we would be in so much joy.

As you can see from what I’ve been talking about so far, you would pretty much guess that I value love more than money or basically anything in life. A love I’m talking about is not just for lovers, it’s also for family and friends which support my statement that, “Success is nothing if you have no one to share it with” this is one of the mottoes I live by.

“There are two ways a man can be rich in this world, he can have a lot of money, or he can have a lot of friends. But he cannot have both.”

Also quoting from another movie I had a chance to watch recently, ‘Kidnapping Mr. Heineken’, The movie ended with a famous quote that is  “There are two ways a man can be rich in this world, he can have a lot of money, or he can have a lot of friends. But he cannot have both.”  and to be honest that’s probably the only thing I got out of this movie (basically this movie is not so good) but nothing can take away from the fact that this quote is true though.

“To find something we passionate about is not easy, but some people are lucky they just know it.”

The first thing to do if you want to find the purpose of life is close your eyes and ask how do you imagine yourself being happy? What do you see yourself doing at that moment? I think the answer will come eventually. Another thing is to stop comparing yourself to others, everybody is different and there are places for everyone. You are unique, please be yourself and stop trying to be anyone else because even if you successfully copy that person you wanted to be, deep down inside you won’t be happy and if you’re lucky enough you may realize that before it is too late.


So what’s your purpose of life? What are you trying to archive? What do you think you were born for? To be a richest person in the world or a happiest person in the world? Let me know in the comment below and as always I really want to have a discussion with you. Do you agree with me? Please let me know and also if you have any specific thing you want me to discuss next week, you can leave it in a comment section below.

I’ll leave you with this quote and hopefully it will touch your heart, the same way it did to me.

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